Monday, September 30, 2013

Espionage & Cuban Food

                                                     DATE 2 with Mr. Intellect

            “Can I see you this weekend?”  Followed by, “Hope you like Cuban food and espionage!”  This is how he asked me out and the hint he gave me towards the weekend date.

            Date 2 with Mr. Intellect was wonderful!  Again I was entirely way too nervous for this date.  On some levels I even wanted to cancel because I was exhausted and the date had not even started yet.  First – I decided I need to do a total refresher cleaning of my apartment during the week leading up to the date.  And unfortunately I do not do a total clean of my apartment very often.  Between working fifty plus hours, doing all my laundry, and all my chores – this date was beginning to seem more like a hassle than a fun adventure.  And oh the hours stressed about for the perfect second date outfit.  I went with the below because the weather was so perfectly fall that boots and a scarf were required. 


            But luckily I grudged on and was very caffeinated and primped when he picked me up at 5:30.  Within minutes of walking with him throughout the city, I am immediately felt at easy and so silly for my earlier anxiety.

            We headed to the museum for the espionage exhibit.  Again I felt a bit nervous.  Was this going to be fun? Could we get through a whole museum exhibit with no alcohol? Why were there so many children running around this museum?  But again – I was quickly amazed at how quickly conversation flowed.  He is extremely intellectual and could tell me stories about the specific spies often citing prior books he read or documentary he had seen.  I on the other hand kept focusing on how cool the gadgets were and my life skills which would have made me an incredible spy ;-)

            After an hour of walking through the exhibit, we headed out of the museum but not before sneaking past a few closed doors to see some of the other exhibits which had closed at 5:00.  Something about the sneakiness and the thrill of being in this huge museum alone was so fun!  Now off to our dinner reservations.

            Big winning moment for Mr. Intellect.  While walking from museum to dinner, he noticed I was a bit chilly and immediately offered to swing by my house for a jacket before dinner.  Ladies this may seem like a small gesture but I was so taken back by his concern for me and his want to make sure I was comfortable.  It felt so darn good to have someone thinking about me like that and also so unfamiliar all at once.

            Dinner was great and he was very easy to talk with.  We continued to laugh through dinner.  He ordered us some great food and a pitcher of Sangria.  By the time the check came, I didn’t even pretend to reach because it was so obvious that he was going to be paying. 

            He ended dinner by announcing it was time that we head home and check on my puppy.  I am sure he probably knew what he was doing on some levels, but I ate it up entirely.  An interesting, caring man and he wanted to hang out with my puppy – this evening was going great.

            Mr. Intellect ending up staying at my home for hours and hours.  We lingered over a bottle of wine and ended up turning on one of my favorite movies.  After what seemed like forever he finally kissed me.  Mr. Intellect has the moves to go with his seniority over me and was nothing but a gentleman.  Kept it classy and only kissed! 

            His physique is totally my type.  Tall, slender and strong!  When he finally left, he promised to take me out again next weekend and told me he would miss me in between!  Hold on ladies because I am so totally smitten with Mr. Intellect and can’t wait for our next date.

            Trying to remain level headed and stay in the moment.  There were a few red flags and I must remember I am not really looking for my true “match” right now.  I am on a quest to find myself and figure out what I like.  One things for sure, I do enjoy kissing good looking men and going out on Saturday night dates ;)

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your blog. It's great to see you growing and overcoming such a trial in your life. Have fun!!
